Failed U S. war on drugs endangers Central American bird habitats, study warns

alcohol is better than drugs

The way you consume weed can have a big impact on its short- and long-term effects. For example, smoking is rough on your lungs, but this risk doesn’t apply to edibles. Drinking small amounts — especially of red wine — is linked to various health benefits.

More than a fifth of Pa. adolescents don’t feel safe at school

alcohol is better than drugs

I am an updates editor at NBC Select covering a wide range of wellness topics, including sunscreen for kids, deodorants and antiperspirants, and rosacea treatments. For this article, I spoke to four physicians alcohol is better than drugs about the best ways to treat and prevent motion sickness, including OTC remedies and prescription medications. I also rounded up some NBC Select editor-favorite treatments for motion sickness.

Midyear statement from your Medicare Advantage plan

alcohol is better than drugs

Medicine and public health would benefit greatly if better data were available to offer more conclusive guidance about alcohol. To date, federal agencies like the National Institutes of Health have shown no interest in exclusively funding these studies on alcohol. A lot of research has also linked adolescent marijuana use with a range of negative consequences, including cognitive deficiencies and worse educational outcomes.

alcohol is better than drugs

The ultimate price of a kidney’s lifespan

  • In addition, studies show that adolescents who report minority sexual orientation tend to start drinking at younger ages and continue to binge drink more frequently as adults.
  • People who choose not to drink make that choice for the same reasons.
  • Your answers can help a doctor understand if you have AUD, and whether it’s mild, moderate, or severe.
  • Though Lombard acknowledges she experimented with some drugs not provided by her doctors during those defiant days, she followed orders otherwise.
  • For example, light to moderate drinking is linked to reduced weight gain, whereas heavy drinking is linked to increased weight gain (32, 33, 34).

Surround yourself with people who support your sobriety, not those who tempt you to slip back into old, destructive habits. Whatever treatment approach you choose, having positive influences and a solid support system is essential. The more people you can turn to for encouragement, guidance, and a listening ear, the better your chances for recovery. Usually the first step is to purge your body of drugs and manage withdrawal symptoms. Every year, between November and February, the golden-cheeked warbler makes its way down from the U.S. state of Texas to Central America. But as it travels to find refuge from the winter, this tiny, endangered bird, Setophaga chrysoparia, with its bright-yellow cheeks and a buzzing song, seems unable to evade habitat loss.

Are people more honest when they’re drunk?

Despite this, the question of beneficial effects of alcohol has been a contentious issue in research for years. Heavy drinking also has been linked to intentional injuries, such as suicide, as well as accidental injury and death. Drinking alcohol is a health risk regardless of the amount. There’s no easy answer to the weed versus alcohol debate. On the surface, weed appears to be safer, but there’s simply not enough evidence to declare a winner.

In fact, red wine may be linked to more health benefits than any other alcoholic beverage (75, 76, 77, 78, 79). Chronic alcohol abuse can wreak havoc on your body and brain, increasing your risk of many diseases. If you are a heavy drinker, following a healthy diet and exercise routine will still be beneficial for your health, but not as much as getting your alcohol consumption under control, or abstaining completely. Chronic alcohol abuse can have catastrophic health effects, impacting your entire body and causing a range of health problems. Simultaneously, alcohol abuse is the third main cause of preventable death in the US, as it’s a large factor in chronic diseases, accidents, traffic crashes and social problems (68). While alcohol intake and depression seem to increase the risk of one another simultaneously, alcohol abuse may be the stronger causal factor (20, 21, 22).

  • Fosgonimeton recipients did not significantly outperform placebo on two standard scales used for Alzheimer’s disease, or on a measure that combined the two scales into a single score.
  • For people with a history of mild motion sickness (which means that it does not interfere with your ability to function), experts recommend environmental modifications and natural remedies.
  • Weed seems to have fewer long-term risks than alcohol, but again, there’s a huge discrepancy in the amount of research on weed compared with alcohol.
  • For women, more than three drinks on any day or more than seven drinks a week is heavy drinking.
  • Sometimes treatment programs for co-occurring disorders provide groups that continue to meet on an aftercare basis.

Last December, Ford announced that all convenience and grocery stores will be allowed to sell beer, wine, cider and ready-to-drink cocktails by 2026. In May, he announced plans to speed that up, moving up the timeline for convenience stores to Sept. 5. Join a 12-step recovery support group, such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and attend meetings regularly. Spending time with people who understand exactly what you’re going through can be very healing. You can also benefit from the shared experiences of the group members and learn what others have done to stay sober. Not everybody requires medically supervised detox or an extended stint in rehab.

Four takeaways from latest Pa. youth survey on safety, mental health

This may mean making major changes to your social life, such as finding new things to do with your old buddies—or even giving up those friends and making new connections. Start the day right with breakfast, and continue with frequent small meals throughout the day. Going too long without eating leads to low blood sugar, which can make you feel more stressed or anxious. Getting enough healthy fats in your diet can help to boost your mood.

  • However, you may find more weight loss drugs covered in 2025.
  • Consuming moderate amounts of alcohol may offer some health benefits.
  • Relapse is a common part of the recovery process from drug addiction.
  • Recovery requires time, motivation, and support, but by making a commitment to change, you can overcome your addiction and regain control of your life.

“I would say that alcohol is more addictive, and that the addiction is far more life-destroying than cannabis use disorder,” says Grinspoon. “That said, people can become addicted to cannabis, and they need to be treated with skill, empathy and compassion.” On the flip side, cannabis may have some genuine health benefits. Although alcohol was once believed to protect against heart disease, the latest research in JAMA Network Open reveals that alcohol may not be so great for your heart after all and has lots of other downsides. In the past two decades, the idea that moderate drinking may actually confer health benefits has taken hold, backed up by some preliminary and limited evidence.

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